Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Texting ur crush part 2

Here's to all the guys who are like: I don't wanna txt the girl first because she might find it annoying! Well let me tell you, I and a wholee lot of other girls find it flattering! Now don't get me wrong tho. If you have txted this girl 3 or 4 times in a row and she hasn't responded yet.... Bad sign. Or she might be grounded but most likely she's not into (at the moment) so next time you see her.... Stun her with your charm;) ok but if she does respond , flirt a little with her! And trust me when you call a girl beautiful It will make her day! But while your textin her guys... Don't be perverted .while texting you can misinterpret so many things and pervertedness stacks up to that. And really it's not really that attractive . Do you ever see princes being perverted? No. Ok! Well that's all for now! Now go text your crush boys! Ps if you really wanna make her day, text her good morning beautiful! Hope it helps! Comment below how it worked out! 

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